So I have a bunch of new stuff in the works, one of which is a cartoon series coming here to Newgrounds. In the mean time, my crew and I have been making live action shorts that you all should definitely take a look at here. Check us out at Unsavory Animations Hopefully the cartoon, The Adventures of Johnny Wonder & Mr. Reynolds, will be out at the end of the month or beginning of September. I should at this point take a moment to say that there probably wont be any more T.V. Sex Pals. People continuously ask me if I'm gonna make more, and the answer to that is, in fact, yes, I plan to do one more. Episode 6 will be the last one (At least for another very long period of time). The fact of the matter is, I really just kinda outgrew the whole thing, It's not that funny to me anymore. That being said, I promise to make 6 fuckin rock, and send the whole thing off well. Yeah. So I'm tired of typing and stuff. Laters.
Desmond Ports (DropTrou)
so is like mr. reynolds a pedo?
Maybe. Maybe not.